Coating Thermal Performance Chart

Oilfield Chart - Coating Thermal Performance Chart

The Coating Thermal Performance Chart (Table 1) shows various temperatures for the different days and the pipe coating studied in the Omani desert region.

Table 2 shows the physical properties of crude oil from five Omani locations. It is useful for determining the temperature effects on coating and the best coating for pipes on certain temperature conditions.

Coating Thermal Performance Table Analysis

The Table for Coating Thermal Performance (Table 1) details columns for temperature zones (in rows), temperatures in the surface of coating for varying temperature zones, and the temperature for the inside pipeline. The full section or inside pipeline temperature (Celsius and Kelvin) remains constant while the surface temperature on coating increased. The temperature peaked at mid-day and dropped to negative 10 degrees Celsius in the evening.

Both types of coatings (EN-P and FBE) slow down the heat transfer rate and allow effective insulation. Thermal coating is useful for reducing or preventing thermal stress and thus, increases the pipe’s life service. The EN-P coating shows lower rates of heat transfer compared to the FBE coating.

The Table for Crude Oil Properties  (Table 2) shows the physical property (density) of crude oil samples at various Omani locations. The five columns show the temperature and the five Omani locations – Erad, Oman Export, Receive line, Mabruk, and Zal-41. The table shows that the crude oil from Erad is the heaviest and that the lightest is from Zal 41. An increment in temperature decreases each of the oil sample’s densities.

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Coating Thermal Performance Chart

Tmp Zone Inside Temp. Total Heat Generated in W/m2 for EN-P coating nth for EN-P coating against uncoated pipe Total Heat generated in W/m2 for FBE coating nth for FBE Coating against uncoated pipe nth for EN-P Coating against FBE Coating
wdt_ID Tmp Zone Inside Temp. Total Heat Generated in W/m2 for EN-P coating nth for EN-P coating against uncoated pipe Total Heat generated in W/m2 for FBE coating nth for FBE Coating against uncoated pipe nth for EN-P Coating against FBE Coating
1 Morning time 35 °C (308k] 70 °C (343K) 117.09 71.31% 128.89 68.42% 9.1%
2 Mid-day 55 °C [328K] 70 °C [343K) 16.509 96% 54.07 86.75% 69.4%
3 Evening 40 °C (343K) 70 °C (343K) 62.361 84.72% 67.09 83.56% 7.04%

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Crude Oil Properties Chart

tT(°C) Erad Oman Export Receive Line Mabruk Zal-41
wdt_ID tT(°C) Erad Oman Export Receive Line Mabruk Zal-41
1 20 933,302 855,019 851,414 824,753 817,802
2 25 929,939 851,503 847,930 821,182 814,311
3 30 926,586 848,018 844,441 817,776 810,890
4 35 923,262 844,488 840,904 814,370 807,468
5 40 920,123 840,983 837,395 810,967 804,047
6 45 916,973 837,493 833,877 807,561 800,618
7 50 913,806 834,008 830,375 804,153 797,188
8 55 910,644 830,525 826,880 800,746 793,758
9 60 907,479 827,034 823,376 797,336 790,324
10 65 904,361 823,540 819,876 793,924 786,884

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tT – Temperature Transducer

Coating Thermal Performance Chart: Definition of Terms


ASTM A106 B refers to the standard pipe used in high-temperature environments. ASTM stands for American Society for Testing and Materials.

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSC)

SSC refers to the crack formation growth that can cause unexpected structural failure in ductile metals such as metal pipes. Environment, metallurgy, and stress form the conditions that allow SSC.

Electroless Nickel Phosphorus (EN-P)

EN-P is a coating made by using a chemical bath that deposits nickel. The EN-P coating is resistant to corrosion and scratch.

Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)

FBE is a powder-based coating with epoxy properties. It is used to protect and coat valves, steel pipeline, and piping connections. The epoxy derived its name from the “fusion bonding” process when the epoxy and the hardener react to form a solid material that adheres to the substrate.

Thermal Stress

Thermal stress refers to a change in the temperature of a material. A rapid change from cool to high temperature can cause cracking in some materials.

Go here if you are looking for the Corrosion Coating Comparison Chart.

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Author: Flowtech Energy

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